That's very interesting, names are so important and designations are too.

Here in Scotland, we're currently looking to create a further national park, which will be an interesting process. We also have a wealth of historical connections in our place names with many coming from Scottish Gaelic, often the Gaelic name sits awkwardly next to an Anglicised version.

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Interesting. I would love to hear about the similarities and differences in what a "national park" means in Scotland and the U.S. Thank you for reading and making a comment. -- Jeff

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It would be interesting to know the differences, something worth looking into

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Seeing that this is currently backed by all and only Republican's I'm simply so curious as to the. real why... and why now? Something doesn't add up and something feels odd with how rushed it all feels. He says he consulted with the tribes. I'm curious to hear more about their thoughts as well.

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